Equality of Opportunity/Accessibility

How accessible is the school building?

The school strives to ensure that the learning environment meets the needs of all learners and accessibility issues are reviewed regularly.

  • All classrooms and a disabled toilet are on the ground floor. The main entrance is designed for wheelchair access.
  • The Village Hall, used for lunchtimes and activities which need more space, is accessible for wheelchair users from the lane in front of the school
  • Should any adjustments need to be made to the school building to meet your child’s needs, we would ask The Athelstan Trust for support.


You will find a copy of the Accessibility Policy and Plan in the 'Policies' section in the 'Key Information' tab.


Will my child be able to participate on school visits or extra-curricular activities?

Prior to any school visits, a risk assessment is carried out by the school. We aim for any provision to be as inclusive as possible and explore every opportunity to enable all children to participate if it is safe to do so. Where it is deemed not safe for your child to participate in a visit, we would discuss this with you in advance.

Extra-curricular activities are open to all children at our school. If your child needs support in order to participate, we would endeavour to ensure that this was provided.