Parent Open Forum

Everyone at Avening Primary School is committed to working in partnership with parents. The Parent Open Forum provides a forum for parents to put forward their views to the Headteacher and the Governing Body of the school. The aim of the Parent Open Forum is to give parents an accessible, but formal way, to help influence decisions made about the school, allowing parents to make a positive contribution to the direction of school development.


 The Parent Open Forum works in partnership with the school to:

  • Create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents promoting partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents
  • Develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils
  • Identify and represent the views of parents regarding the education and welfare of the pupils
  • Support the work of the FOAS (Friends of Avening Primary School)



 The Governing body remains the decision-making body and provides the strategic leadership of the school, whilst the Parent Open Forum has a consultative and advisory role.  The following is a non-exhaustive list of matters on which the Parent Open Forum will provide a forum for consultation and advice:

  • Policies, procedures and protocols which affect the day-to-day operation of the school e.g. start and finish times, after-school club provision, uniform, extra-curricular activities
  • Systems of communication between the school and parents on matters concerning the operation of the school.
  • Matters designed to foster greater parental participation and engagement in the education of pupils by all parents, i.e. Stay and Play sessions.

Some topics cannot be addressed by the Parent Open Forum and should be referred directly by individual parents to the class teacher in the first instance or to the Headteacher. This includes matters associated with: 

  • Issues relating to individual children or staff
  • Individual complaints or grievances  

 The Parent Open Forum is a way of gathering, discussing and conveying parental views to the school. It is involved in identifying priorities for the School Improvement Plan and making recommendations to the Governing Body. The work of the Parent Open Forum complements the work of FOAS and the Governing Body.

 The Parent Open Forum meets termly. Meetings are minuted and made available to all parents and the Governing Body. Meetings are conducted in a positive spirit, and are constructive and solution focused.



 Membership of the Parent Open Forum is open to all parents and carers who have a child currently at Avening Primary School.


 The Parent Open Forum aims to meet every school term. All meetings are be minuted, and made available to the whole school community.  In order to reach a wide cross-section of parents from the school, surveys which may lead to a change of provision, i.e. school uniform etc, will be conducted so that all parents have fair opportunity to comment.  All suggestions for change will be considered by the Headteacher and/or the Governing Body who will make the final decision as to whether a change in provision is required.

 ‘Golden Rules’ for all members to observe during meetings: 

  • Respect confidentiality and never name individual teachers, pupils, members of staff or other parents in a negative way.
  • Keep to the agreed agenda
  • Attempt to keep individual contributions brief
  • Respect others opinions and ideas by letting them finish without interruption

 Role of Headteacher

The Headteacher will lead the Parent Open Forum, setting agendas, chairing meetings and feeding back views to the Governing Body.

 Role of Secretary

The Secretary will take the minutes of each meeting. 


Click here for the terms of reference for the Parent Open Forum


The definition of a ‘parent’ is an adult including mother, father, carers with parental responsibility or care for a child attending the school