Share and Learn
Click here for our Share and Learn Policy 2023
Our Key Principles
After consultation with parents and children, we adopted three key principles, which have driven our decisions about the structure and format of our Share and Learn. Share and Learn at Avening Primary School should be:
Engaging Valued Timely
What does this look like in practice?
We are passionate about making Share and Learn exciting and not a chore.
Each term, a Share and Learn Menu full of ideas for home learning will be produced.
We are passionate that Share and Learn should build upon the children’s strengths and interests, and spark further enthusiasm for learning. We also recognise that our strengths and interests are all different, so an element of choice in Share and Learn tasks is motivating for our learners. Choice enables children to have greater ownership of their home learning.
Share and Learn tasks are organised around different areas of learning -such as creative, practical, scientific and language-based tasks - offering a wide range of choice.
The Share and Learn Menu will always include the option of a task of the child’s own choice, so that they are able to pursue individual interests or current affairs, as well as topic-based learning.
From Year 1, Share and Learn Menus will include topic-related websites your child can explore.
We want Share and Learn to be valued by children, parents and staff, so each child will have a book in which to record their learning. We expect the children to record their home learning as carefully at home as they would in school.
We know how much effort children and parents put into Share and Learn tasks, so we will always acknowledge tasks when they are completed.
We recognise that families have busy lifestyles, so clear dates for handing in tasks from Year 1 are important. There will usually be at least two weeks between each date for handling in home learning.
Other Home Learning
English and Maths
In addition to the Share and Learn Menus, we children from Year 2 have access to Times Tables Rockstars. In Year 1, the children have access to Numbots.
Children throughout the school are encouraged to read at least four times a week. Children who are not confident readers should read to someone else – a parent, a grandparent, a brother or sister – and discuss the book they are reading. Even confident readers should read aloud every now and then and discuss what they are reading.
Whenever the children choose a language-based task, we encourage parents to use their child's writing Flight Path Targets to help ensure that the child is producing writing at the expected level and to enable parents to support them in their progress.
We recognise that it is important to prepare children for their transition to the more formal demands of secondary school. As a result, Owls also have spellings to learn. They also have a retrieval task each week, based on their Knowledge Organisers. In addition, as part of their revision, the Year 6 children may be given more formal grammar, comprehension or maths tasks, particularly as we get near to SATs.
Other ideas to support your child’s learning at home:
Visit the library
Grow some plants
Play a boardgame
Crossword and puzzle books
Make a scrapbook - cut out pictures and write captions
Shopping lists, cards, letters, emails
Practise telling the time - analogue and digital
Practise times tables - children should know up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4
Download educational apps on the tablet or computer
Capitalise on hobbies - scoring, timing, counting, measuring...
Check the meaning of unknown words in the dictionary
Follow a recipe
Use money, work out change
Car Journey maths - adding and subtracting with number plates or road signs, dividing distance by time