Reviewing Progress

How is the progress of my child measured in school?

  • Your child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher through the daily learning opportunities planned.
  • A snapshot of your child's progress is made three times a year in reading, writing and maths. This attainment data is shared with the headteacher, who will discuss what it shows with the staff involved at termly Pupil Progress Meetings. Where intervention groups are taking place, assessments may be given made more frequently to ensure that the intervention is having impact.
  • At the end of Year 6 all children are required to be formally assessed using statutory National Curriculum assessments (often referred to as 'SATS'). This is something the government requires all schools to do and the results are published nationally. Other statutory assessments include the phonics screening check at Year 1 and the Multiplication Check in Year 4. In the Early Years, the staff complete a baseline assessment. From this the School is  provided with a series of narrative statements to describe how each pupil performed on the aspects presented in the assessment (although this assessment is not intended as a tool to measure next steps with children).
  • The progress of children with an Education Health and Care Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child’s education.
  • The headteacher will also check that your child is making good progress within any individual work and in any group that they take part in via termly Pupil Progress Meetings.

How will progress towards identified outcomes and effectiveness of the school’s SEND provision be assessed and reviewed by the school? How are parents and children involved in this process?

  • Any child receiving additional school support, e.g. through an intervention group, will have targets which are recorded on a Provision Map. For some interventions, an intervention log is kept containing plans for the support given and an evaluation of teaching sessions kept by the person running the intervention sessions. Changes to the plans may be made if the approach to the intervention is not supporting the child in meeting the targets set.
  • At the end of the intervention, an assessment is made of how well the child has met his/her targets. The impact of interventions are measured on Provision Maps completed by your child's class teacher. 
  • For children on the SEND register who have a My Plan or a My Plan Plus, information about their progress is shared with their parents and next steps discussed. For children at My Plan level, this is usually via parent consultations which take place in the first half of the Autumn and Spring terms; in the case of children with a My Plan Plus, longer meetings are held, again usually once a term and may involve our SENDCO, Mrs Tina Harris. 
  • Termly Pupil Progress Meetings, held with all staff involved with your child, are an invaluable way of sharing the successes of any intervention your child may have had and planning next steps and future provision.