Early Help
As part of our curriculum provision, we ensure that children in school are taught to keep themselves safe, e.g. through anti-bullying work, PSHE and the RSE curriculum – including coverage of the PANTS rule, peer mediation training and visitors such as the police. We have regular visits or input from the NSPCC and update the children about Childline and we have a progressive curriculum covering online safety. We regular promote online safety in our newsletters. Year 4 children take part in the GSCE e-safety production ‘In the Net’.
We also recognise that all families may have times when they need support and have a range of preventative strategies in place. This includes: holding regular parent coffee mornings, where parents can discuss concerns in an informal setting; signposting parents to outside agencies; and working closely with the Advisory Teaching Service and Educational Psychologists.
We listen to the voice of the child, e.g. to identify where FGM is a risk. Children complete the Online Pupil Survey, as well as regular school questionnaires. The PSHE curriculum gives children the opportunity to talk about a wide range of issues. At termly Pupil Progress Meetings, held with all teachers and teaching assistants, the social/emotional well-being of children is considered, as well as academic progress, enabling intervention or support to be facilitated as necessary. Intervention could include social skills programmes, e.g. bespoke work with our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA), Circle of Friends, Forest School sessions and opportunities to work with other providers if appropriate, including referrals to Young Minds Matter mental health practitioners and TIC+.
Staff have completed the Female Genital Mutilation Home Office training. All staff in school have received training on FGM to identify and understand the risk. All staff are aware of the FGM protection orders that came into force on 17 July 2015 and the mandatory reporting that came into force in October 2015. Where there are concerns about FGM, staff are able to ring 101 and ask for the police FGM lead. In addition, a multi-agency referral would be made.
Staff have received training on Child Sexual Exploitation. Staff are aware of CSE resources and the CSE screening tool, available on the GSCP website.
All teaching staff take part in annual online safety training, as part of our membership of National Online Safety.
Where it is felt that an inter-agency approach is needed, we may work with families to write a referral to the Cotswold Early Help Team based in Cirencester or the Stroud Early Help Team, and we are involved in MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) and MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) as necessary. Advice may be sought from the school nurses and the CAMHS team.
Referrals are made to the Helpdesk where a child discloses any form of abuse, or where domestic abuse is taking place within a household.
Where there are concerns about radicalisation, the police are contacted on 101, who will talk to the child/family. All staff are requested to carry out the online Prevent training. A referral to the Channel programme might be made.
There is a wide range of information, self-help, support and services available for all aspects of family life ranging from free universal support options or services, which everyone can access, to targeted support for times when specialist advice is needed, e.g. contact with Winston’s Wish in the case of bereavement.
For children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, support is given to children and parents as required. E.g. The school may facilitate additional visits to secondary school or a child might receive support from a teaching assistant to practice the bus route to smooth the transition process. For more information about support for SEND children, please refer to the SEND Policy and School SEND Offer published on the school website.
Where children have a parent in prison, the school may access the ‘Castle Gate Service’. Visits to Skillszone to experience a police cell or court situation may be organised.
Where there are concerns about gang involvement, the police are contacted on 101, with a view to getting support from ‘The Avenger Task Force’. Gang activity can also be reported via ATF@gloucestershire.police.uk
For more on help and support available to families, please click on the link below: